Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Long Time

I haven't really had much to say lately. My life has a new routine that I follow and I have to admit, as much as I like order and to know exactly when things will happen, it is getting OLD already!!
I go to school Monday night, get back from school, do my math homework and eat and go to bed. Spend Tuesday sitting around or sleeping while Drew is in class and then when he gets out of class we grab something to eat then do some more sitting around. Wednesday night, classes, home, eating then homework. Thursday-Sunday I'm at my own home. I wake up and eat, feed all my animals (and take care of my baby Yum since she has been sick lately, but actually she is almost all better now! yay!) Then I sit around some more and watch movies or t.v. Sometimes I play Halo haha. It all depends on my mood. I read my comics which I got caught up on completely finally and now I just have to read all the Avengers comics to be fully up to date with all the comics I read.
It seems boring and it is getting to be that way, but really, I am a home-body and I don't really mind TOO much that I am in this pattern lately.
I will need to get out and do something soon though, if this stupid weather would make up its mind already!
Today I took a nap before class and I haven't seen the weather report for a couple days so when I walked out to go to class and the parking lot was covered in snow as bunches of more fluffy sh** was coming down I was in awe! I love snow, don't get me wrong, but I have had enough of it already. I am more than ready to be warm all the time now lol. SPRING/SUMMER HURRY UP!! (:

Speaking of spring, I have been trying to decide what to do for Spring Break. I have a few good ideas, some more expensive than others haha so it all depends on how much money I will end up having in March. Right now, things that I wanted in order, of course are not because SOMEONE can't get their stuff together to help me with what I need. But whatever, she never helps too much I don't think. BLAH! That is a whole other topic I am NOT getting into lol.
I feel like this blog is too much rambling but I kind of have too many topics to put into just one but it is what I am going to do haha.
Noone reads my boring life story anyways so I can say whatever I please (:

Today, I faced a fear but it still will haunt me any time I ever have to do it lol. I read my English paper to the class. I stumbled over my own words that I wrote and read 1,000 times before today. I know my face probably was blood red the entire time. Plus where I am still sick my voice was sounding so weird, like manly haha and my ear is messed up so I have trouble knowing just how loud I am talking haha. Blah. This really nice lady in my class told me that I did well, but then again she told another girl that too just so she would feel better. However, that girl really did do a good job lol. I feel like I wrote the worst paper in class though. After listening to everyone else read theirs I was like wow I sound SO STUPID! Hopefully my grade doesn't reflect my negative thoughts though.
Hmm. I guess for now I will be done.

I love my bay A.W.C so much. He is my everything (:

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Lately I can not seem to get enough sleep.
But I also can not seem to get myself to go to bed at a decent hour.
I don't really think it matters when I go to sleep though. I tried going to bed earlier last night and I still slept the entire day away almost (probably would have too if I didn't have class!)

Speaking of which, classes are going good. I only have two but they are fun, I love my professors a lot. They are both funny but in different ways lol. Math is funny because the man just cracks me up with the things he tells us, English, well he is like a big goober lol.

First day he walked in all completely bundled up and smiled this goofy smile and threw up a peace sign lol. I was like NICE, I'm going to like this class lol.
Math guy, he is so country which is cool lol except for when he says "grandma's backyard" like 1000 times in class haha.
I've got 100's on my homework in math which BLOWS MY MIND. Lol. I had my first test and I got a decent grade and since my class like bombed it we get to make corrections and get half credit back so I will get an even better grade and wind up with an A instead of a B on it (: That is good right!?
My first rough draft for an English paper I got 27/30 so that is wonderful as well lol. I feel like things are going too smoothly though lol. I'm sure to fail sometime, I'm never any good at things lol

I'm hoping to be going to this concert this weekend. I just hope things fall into place the way I need them to. (:

This weekend is muh besties birthday and I HOPE to goodness I don't have to work Sunday because she is going out the night before but I know I will have to lol. I always work Sundays /: Bah! Oh well, I guess I could just hope a small amount of sleep would do me good lol because I GOTTA be there for her (: It's her birthday and she's the bestest so yeah! Duh! lol

There is not much going on lately to talk about.
I am missing being at home with my sisters because I don't know how much longer they will be there with us but I am loving being in school and where I stay while I go (:

I got three new fishies the other day!! They are named Bubbles, General Fin, and Shortbread. (: Bubbles just instantly came to me and my sisters the moment we picked out the big guy, you kind of have to say the name in a deep silly voice for the full effect lol (: General Fin the poor guy, he has a hole in his top fin so it was as if he had been in a battle, an epic one and WON so yeah, that is how he got his name. Shortbread though lol, the smallest of them all, the one I hadn't originally wanted to get because I wanted the big fat ones lol he got named with the help of my bestie lol. She had been holding a box of shortbread cookies when I asked her to help me name my fish and now TA*DA! there was a name for my third fish lol. It wasn't like I really NEEDED them, since I do still have Sir Kinsington (my betta fish lol) that I have had for almost two years now haha...wait, maybe it is three? No I think June will make it two years lol. Hmm...

Anyways, I think I am going to try and sleep now lol.


I love my bay (:

A.W.C. you're the best! <3

Saturday, January 1, 2011


There are a lot of mean people in the world. A lot of fake people. But there are good people as well and I try to always be thought of as one of the good people. I always try to make everyone happy and I care so much about what people think about me. Last night started off perfect. Had a great time shopping with Roo and Doo (: had a yummy meal from Qdoba and then went to a party a friend of mine was having. We were a little out of place but it was alright, nice people, some odd ones lol but it was fun.
Especially seeing my bay dance (: We even witnessed a new dance being made lol, you'll all be doing it soon enough it's called the automatic (: made by Roo named by Doo lol.
Anyways, there was no tv and so we left to go watch the ball drop. I had a feeling I would regret it but I went along with where we went anyways. I knew people were there who didn't like me but I trusted they could be mature.
Boy was I wrong.
Ended up leaving in tears and humiliated.
I apologize to Roo and Doo again for letting ignorant peoples comments get to me but I'm sensitive and also the things that were said about me would have made even the toughest girl want to cry.
All I can say is, I know I'm not the best looking girl, I'm not the best catch, but if you fully agree with that or think worse even, then just think, THATS WHY YOU ARE NOT DATING ME! So next time we have to be in the same place try to remember we are ADULTS now, young still but we have been out of high school for some time now and the immature comments need to stop.

I'm going to try to not care anymore well at least not let people know I care, I will learn to ignore people and I will learn that their opinions are not the ones that matter.

Had a wonderful birthday though.
Learned who my true friends are thats for sure. Thanks to those of you who did come out for me (: I loved it. Everyone made me feel special thanks (:

Happy New Year!

I love my bay! <3
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Sunday, December 26, 2010


That picture is my absolute favorite gift ever. My Thor cup is so awesome! (: I love that Drew got it for me!
This Christmas was far from the best but I had a wonderful time despite all the things that made me break down and cry.
At least my mammaw and Drew made me feel like nothing was wrong. They are the two best people anyone could have in their life.
I love my bap bap! <3
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, November 27, 2010


There are so many things to be thankful for and when someone asks you, you may have to take some time to figure out the correct things to say. You don't want to sound superficial or fake and you want to include everyone and everything so you don't hurt anyones feelings but really the first things you think of are what truly mean the most to you and you shouldn't feel bad about that.
I am thankful first and foremost for the fact that I have a roof over my head, a place to call my home. It's sad but true that there are a lot of people who do not have such a basic necessity.
This hits me so close to home because people I have shared a home with are now about to be without one this coming Monday.
Yes, you read that right, my family will have no home.
Not me, but my Mom & my sisters and brothers.
It's heartbreaking really. Mostly I feel the worst for my siblings because in no way shape or form is it their fault and I want to be sure they know that!
Times are tough and my Mom could no longer afford her duplex she has lived in for the past 9 years. She got behind 2 months and her new landlord or whatever they may be gave her an eviction notice on her front door...she appeared in court last Monday and when asked if they would like to give her an extension on how long she had to get out the people flat out said "No we do not"
Now I know, she was behind on her rent, okay...fine, reason to kick her out? Sure whatever but damn can people really be so heartless to only give someone SEVEN days to move out of the home they've had for 9 years?! SEVEN DAYS!! That was it. It blew my mind completely. I've never heard of someone only getting a week to move out! Not only that but as you know, Thanksgiving was this past Thursday...So it was a holiday even and they didn't give them even a smaller amount of time. Ridiculous.
I just wanted to share this story with all of my non-viewers out there and tell you that you need to not take the small things for granted. It could happen to anyone at any time. It's sad and  makes me cry every time I remember my Mom getting into the car crying and telling my youngest brother "So I don't know what we will do now bub."

Please be thankful for all that you have even if it isn't very much because there is someone else in the world who would gladly take your spot any time.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


So, on November 19th I was hanging out with my love. We had been doing laundry all morning long and while we waited on things to finish up we walked to the Dollar Store and I looked around & fell in love with these Spongebob Silly Bandz and also Dinosaur Silly Bandz. Next, we went to my favorite comic book store where I searched and searched for something new and fun to start reading :)
I ended up getting this comic Avengers Academy and we went to the car to read them. It was a pretty good one but then halfway through (or maybe it was on the back cover I can't really remember lol) I notice one of my favorite girl comics that I SHOULD have got lol. The Black Cat...Freaking love her, oh well though maybe next time! :)
Anyways, we finish up the laundry and then decide to go get my bay a hair-cut (well I just thought he had needed a trim because I love his hair long) On our way there though we got on a familiar road and I got excited because I hadn't known it was just the way to the hair dressers place and I said "We're going to see animals!?" That road to me means we are on our way to visit the Lexington Animal Shelter which I love to do even though I always leave sad that I couldn't take one (or all) home with me!

He decides that sure we can go see them so I am filled with excitement, I love animals soo much! We get there (after we almost passed up the road like always lol) and I am instantly drawn to the cats in the room that you can never go in and see which still confuses me to this day but alright lol. While I am looking at these beautiful grown cats I notice this old man who other than his starring seems completely normal. He was dressed nicely, in a light blue button up shirt and khaki pants with his white hair and glasses. I thought maybe he had just been looking at the cats too like I was plus it seemed like he had been standing in line at the counter. Well, Drew decides -lets go look at the 'other' animals first- so we do and I notice the man gets out of line and starts walking behind us towards the room. I tell Drew about the 'weird old man following us' and he laughs. We get to the room and there are just two big fluffy bunnies which upset me because usually there are turtles that I love looking at but that day, just two bunnies! So then the man walks into the room with us....It is a small room and two people makes it tight corners to begin with so when he came in it was awkward for multiple reasons! Drew and I hurry out of the room and I'm like (he is following us hurry!) so we jump into the cat room and I calm myself....theres no way this man is following us right?!
WRONG! While I am playing with the pretty cats I notice I am being watched from outside the door and I tell Drew about it which makes him raise his eyebrows up in shock and confusion! I am literally freaking out now because that is one of my many things I fear, being watched...It makes me panic almost instantly! (I have a lot of anxiety problems which causes my chest to hurt really bad and hurts to breathe and is very difficult to do so at all.) Well, I try to ignore the man and just love on these gorgeous cats who are, some playful, some lazy and flopping around and some both! As I am doing this though when I switch sides to look at all of them the man outside the door does the same. If I go to the right side he is standing outside on the left looking in at me! If I go to the left side you see him walk across the doorway to stand on the right side.
I hurry to try to lose his sight of me and go around to the other side, worried maybe he will come in here too. Drew notices this also and doesn't like it much. When we are on the other side, who appears but the old man! It was one of the worst feelings I had, just being watched and followed by this man was too much for me to handle and I was ready to leave even without seeing the dogs!

We finish seeing all the cats and go out of the Cat Room and I noticed the man was bent down talking to a lady who works there and we walk as fast as we can to the dog room where we lost him and I finally calmed down.
That was the weirdest thing that has happened to me in a very long time and I did not like it at all!
But I just thought I would share it with the non-viewers I have lol.

Thanks bay for holding my hand and making me feel safer even while that man was looking in at me in such a weird way!

I love my bay Andrew!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Forever and Always!

Hello my non-viewers lol. I know noone reads this but as I said before it is basically just a diary for myself :)
Two days ago I had one of the absolute best days ever!
November 18, 2010 meant that Andrew & I had been together for 4 years! Yes, 4 years! :) Long time huh? It doesn't feel like it has been that long to me at all though, it feels like just yesterday we started dating and then spent every day after school together!

On our wonderful day though we were supposed to have made each other a gift because I didn't have a job at the time to return the favor if he were going to get me a gift. I made him a 'book' about us. I found words from magazines that I use to describe him for a page, words he uses to describe me for another page, and then 3 full pages of words about us and things we have done. I also (now I know this will sound silly but I thought it was nice) colored pictures I found that either reminded me of him/us or I thought were sweet and I added them in between each page using the same order (Drew page, my page, US pages!)
I also, starting from a week away, started writing to him daily about "7 days away and I love you because...." all the way up until one day away and sent it to him via facebook so I could be sure he got it while I was not with him. On our day I gave him our book which contained all the words pages, and coloring pages, and then the entire note of why I love him.
He read the book and when he first started he sounded surprised sort of and asked "This is good, you did this bay?" :) Hehe. Why yes I did. He finished and gave me a big kiss and told me "I loved it bay! Thanks." I felt so good, I never figured he would like it at all so I was happy he was happy with it and all the hard work I put into it.
After he read his story he went into his big walk-in closet and closed the door to change into some basketball shorts. (This might sound weird but he does it a lot actually lol.) So, I was sitting on the bed about to post my facebook status with a lovely message about our anniversary (tagging him of course lol) when he sits down beside me and says "This is what I got you"
He pulls out a small white box and takes out a smaller soft black box and hands it over to me. I am shocked and confused and happy and sad all at once when I open the box. Inside is a BEAUTIFUL silver 'open heart' key necklace! :) The one of my dreams as I had told him when I first saw a commercial for it. I started to cry instantly. I was as I said so happy but so sad at the same time. I didn't expect anything, all I had asked for was just to be with him on our day and for him to write me a note and here I was getting this amazing necklace I will love forever!!
I hugged on him and kissed him then started laughing and said "I don't want to cry!" haha. It was a very emotional moment for me. I usually get emotional when I get a gift from him lol it is always something so sweet and I just feel like he does so much for me and I don't feel like I have been able to do enough.

I know relationships are not about how much you spend on someone but about how much you mean to them and how well you treat them but you know everyone likes to be spoiled and treated to nice things. I definitely will get him a wonderful over the top, gift of his dreams this coming Christmas because..
Oh that's right!!! I have orientation at Cracker Barrel this coming Tuesday at 1 pm :)
I found out on our anniversary about this which had just made our day 1000 times better! It really put a lot of worries to the side for me and made me feel so much happier!

Well I think I have wrote enough for now, plus I think I want to take a nap. I have other things to write about so I will post another blog hopefully later today.

I love my bay! (Drew you're sooo amazing! I am so glad you're mine!)